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    Tips For Creating A Low/No Waste Kitchen

    Typically, the largest trash can you find in your home is in the kitchen. The reason for this is because most trash is often produced from the kitchen. From food scraps to containers to spoiled food and more, there is an abundance of waste produced in this room. To help reduce the waste, there are many ways that you can work to create a low waste or no waste kitchen. 1) Avoid Plastic Bags One of the most often purchased products in a grocery store is the plastic bag. These items make life more convenient because they are a quick solution for taking food on the go. They allow you…

  • Blog,  Eco Friendly Products,  Eco Friendly Tips,  Environmental Sustainable,  Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

    Tips For Reducing “Throwaway Culture” – Repairing, Repurposing, Donating Items

    In today’s society, there are too many people who participate in the “throwaway culture.” We purchase things because we think they are going to use them and then we simply throw them out. Many of us buy things and use them for a month or two and then realize there is something better out there. So, we throw the old thing away and get the newest and best thing on the market. The throwaway culture also has many of us purchasing everyday items, like straws, bags, and more. These items are only used for a day or a few minutes and then they are discarded. They are left to fill…

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    How To Get Rid Of Pests

    How To Get Rid Of Pests Naturally Without Chemicals Have you been wondering how you will get rid of pests in your home or garden without using pesticides? If you have, you aren’t the only one bothered by the use of pesticides. This is because although pesticides may be effective in getting rid of pests, they also leave a lot of toxic substances behind that get absorbed into the plants. This means that eating produce from such plants results in one ingesting the toxins. Since ingesting the chemicals present in pesticides over a long time could have adverse effects, it is imperative to find out how you can get rid…

  • Blog,  Environment Waste,  Environmental Sustainable,  Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

    Tips For Creating A Low/No Waste Kitchen

    Typically, the largest trash can you find in your home is in the kitchen. The reason for this is because most trash is often produced from the kitchen. From food scraps to containers to spoiled food and more, there is an abundance of waste produced in this room. To help reduce the waste, there are many ways that you can work to create a low waste or no waste kitchen. 1) Avoid Plastic Bags One of the most often purchased products in a grocery store is the plastic bag. These items make life more convenient because they are a quick solution for taking food on the go. They allow you…